why i love jesus and religion.

This past Sunday I attended Riverbank Church (www.riverbankchurch.com) as they began a series in the book of James. I had planned on writing about the topic of faith without works however, due to unseen circumstances, I have had to rearrange a few things for the blog.

So I wanted to share this with you guys. Again, this covers the topic of semantics. I know one of the more popular phrases in Christian culture these days is I love Jesus but I hate religion. I know as you read that you’re probably thinking, yeah so what?  I’ll be honest I’ve said the phrase more times than I can count. I’m part of the guilty party who loudly stands up and says, I love Jesus but hate religion!

Heres where the issue lies, the phrase is problematic. Sure there are books that focus on Jesus hating religion and Jesus being better than religion.  The problem is that religion is always focused on what we do or can do to earn acceptance, favor, right standing and forgiveness from God.  It is completely self centered. The truth is that our acceptance to God is all because of Jesus. Our favor from God is all because of Jesus. Our right standing with God is all because of Jesus. Our forgiveness is all because of Jesus. When we discuss the idea that we can do something to earn something, we have ventured beyond religion and into legalism. Legalism says do, not religion.  Legalism says Jesus plus your works equals salvation.  Legalism is the problem.

This is why I love Jesus and Religion|

James 1:27|

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”

When you or say I love Jesus but hate we hate religion, we imply that …

1] Caring for orphans doesn’t matter.

2] Caring for widows doesn’t matter.

3] Abstaining from the world by seeking first the kingdom of God & His righteousness doesn’t matter.

The first problem so to say that the church encountered was this lack of caring for widows. The problem was addressed and we were introduced to Stephen who became the first known martyr. His death gave Paul the opportunity to arrest Christians and thus meet Christ on the Damascus road. The issue was widows were being overlooked in food rations. The disciples taught a Biblical principle of staying faithful to your calling and delegating responsibility to able men. What the disciples did not do when they heard about issue was throw up their hands and cry, I love Jesus but hate religion.

Religion doesn’t teach that obedience earns our salvation; that is legalism. Religion may be the “To-do” list of Christianity but it still is a matter of the heart. Our obedience or lack thereof is a response to the identity and work of Christ. He gave his all and so should we.

Love Jesus. Love Religion. ____________________________________________________________________

why I love jesus & religion| written by mike monica

jesus is…

jesus is our salvation| http://wp.me/p40kIE-d9


jesus is our life| http://wp.me/p40kIE-d2


jesus is our light| http://wp.me/p40kIE-c2


jesus is our water| http://wp.me/p40kIE-bR


jesus remains our freedom| http://wp.me/p40kIE-bP


jesus is our freedom| http://wp.me/p40kIE-bM

this post is rated R

The New Testament Church lived out the purpose God had planned, which was to be the human outworking of Christ in us. In a word, the church was radical. A look at Acts reveals this simple truth to us all.

Acts 2:42-45

“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s supper) and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and posessions and shared the money with those in need.”

Acts 4:32-33

“All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and God’s great blessing was upon them all.”

What made the New Testament church stand out was they were radical in several areas which opened up the heavens and God blessed them greatly. He showed favor towards them all because God is all about Jesus and when making Jesus famous is a priority in our lives, God honors that.

[The church needs to be radical in their submission.]

Both Scriptures utilized above begin with the truth that the believers were devoted and united to each other. It was first and foremost submission to the Lord Jesus and through the empowering grace that enables us to live for him, the believers submitted to one another. The church submitted to the teachings of apostles. Preaching was vital to the life of the church because through preaching, they heard the Word of God and faith comes by hearing. As such, preaching allowed faith to flow over the place.

The church also submitted to the fellowship of the church. Church was not a Sunday event, it was a lifestyle. While meeting in the Temple on a daily basis had Jewish customs behind it, it was the customs that drove these people (that’s religion) it was a love for one another. As such, small groups became just as important to the church as they build a community together.

[The church needs to be radical in their devotion.]

Notice the phrase used in Acts 2:42, “The believers devoted themselves…” Christianity is about commitment-to God and to each other. Everything that the believers did was out of a personal response to the gospel of Jesus. The believers were devoted to each other, to the preaching of the Word, to the fellowship and to prayer because they were committed to what Jesus had done for them!

Luke tells us they were committed to prayer as well. While I will discuss this a bit deeper in later chapters, it is of great importance to know that the early church devoted themselves to prayer. They prayed together and they believed God was with them and God answered their prayers again and again.

[The church needs to be radical in their surrender.]

One of the characteristics of the New Testament church that blows me away is their generosity towards one another. In the texts given by acts, we discover the believers shared everything they had with each other. They gave away what they had to those in need.

Further on in Acts 4, believers were willing to lay down their financial assets at the feet of the apostles. There was such a unity of Spirit that the believers knew the apostles would use whatever was given to them to further the Kingdom of God by loving others.

There was no other agenda on the hearts and minds of the believers than loving others like Christ had loved them. The church was committed to God and to each other and that is how the church grew.

The question of course is how committed are you and I to serving in the local church? A million excuses can be made about why not to serve. Maybe the church already has enough volunteers, or perhaps you are serving by yourself and no one is stepping up to the plate to help out. Maybe you don’t like the people and maybe you don’t like the pastor. The list can go on and on and on, even leading us to reasons why you don’t believe in or attend a local church.

The question remains, are you committed? You were adopted by God and brought into his family. A family should love each other, in spite of imperfections. One of the churches I’ve been to had a rather large billboard with their name, logo and the phrase, “No Perfect People Allowed.”

Throughout my life I have slowly learned that there are no perfect people. The church is just another place that is full of them. So, what happens when people let us down? What is our response when others fail to serve? What is our response when others cause us misery and shame? If our response is retaliation, then we do not understand the grace of Christ which has reconciled us to the Father, whom we have sinned against.

Jesus came to serve and we are called to live like Christ. Connect the dots so Christ is exalted and others see your works and bring glory to the Father in heaven. Live for Christ and bring glory to the Father. Live like Christ by being radical in your devotion to his call. Serve like Christ by being radical in your submission. Love like Christ by being radical in your surrender, meeting the needs of those around you. Do this all for the glory and honor of the Father in heaven.

** This blog was an excerpt from my upcoming book, Repeat After Me **


All Scriptures taken from The Holy Bible New Living Translation. (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996, 2004)

For more Bible versions and devotions, please check out




finish this blog

Okay, let’s be honest with each other. Most of you come here expecting (and rightfully so) to read a blog. Today, I turn the tables; it’s your turn.

So finish this blog by answering the question.

Why am I a Christian?



book review (teaming up-using our spiritual gifts effectively)

This blog is dedicated to my review of Terry Dorsett’s[i] upcoming book, Teaming Up: Using Our Spiritual Gifts Effectively. Terry Dorsett  currently serves as a Church Planting Catalyst at the North American Missions Board[ii] and he has authored several other books including Developing Leadership Teams in the Biovocational Church, Creating Effective Partnerships, Mission Possible: Reaching the Next Generation through the Small Church and Malachi: Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity. All of these books have been published through Cross Books.[iii] In addition to being an author and Church Planting Catalyst, Terry assists with preaching responsibilities at a local church in the Connecticut area, Faith Fellowship Church. [iv]


Terry Dorsett’s book, Teaming Up: Using Our Spiritual Gifts Effectively  is perhaps one of the most well written books in how the church operates with the gifts God gives them. Terry speaks from the heart and reveals, straight from Scripture, the gifts that God has provided the local church, for his purpose and glory.

Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of the book is the overall explanation of the gifts themselves. The author gives detail to each gift listed in the New Testament Scriptures. For that specific purpose, the author focuses on the two main passages which discuss gifts, which come from Romans 12:6-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.

To help explain how Terry breaks down the gifts, I am using the acronym, G.R.A.C.E.

  • Giving

Giving the gift comes straight from the grace of the Lord Jesus. He alone is the one who provides the gift to all believers. Some believers are given more gifts than others. It is that way as the Lord sees fit. The gift, no matter what it is, is provided for the benefit of the church.

  • Release

Terry explains the definition of the gift and how it is employed by the individual in the local church. The author always provides an example from the Scriptures to illuminate the gift.

  • Action

The author moves beyond the root definition and reveals how the gifts are used within the local church. To further demonstrate the activities of the gift, the author also reveals how the gift helps the church to function properly.

  • Connection

In a book where the title includes Team, we are reminded or should be reminded that God is about us working together in unity. For that purpose, the author sets out to explain how individual gifts are used best in connection with other gifts.

  • Exposure

The author also exposes the reality that gifts can be abused. What the author sets out to accomplish in this work is to bring, not only awareness of gifts but also to bring balance so the church is healthy and grows in maturity.


I found Terry’s book to be an excellent read. The book is designed specifically for small group studies as it comes with questions to think through and discuss. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking into the subject of gifts and how they help to build the local church.

This book will serve as a great resource for any pastor, teacher or church member looking to investigate into the area of gifts and how to employ them within their church. It serves as a great personal study but I believe will work even greater as a resource for group discussions.

[i] Terry Dorsett’s Blog (http://thoughtsfromdrt.blogspot.com/)

[ii] North American Mission Board (http://www.namb.net)

[iv] Faith Fellowship Church (http://www.faithfellowshipct.com/)

if i could change one thing about myself

“Let it be the one desire of my heart, to be as my master; to do, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.”  (john wesley)

I wrote a blog a while back called, beyond the walls (http://echochristblog.com/2013/12/26/beyond-the-walls-2/). It wasn’t meant to be anything special but it got a great response. In fact, it is still my most viewed blog to this day. I was simply sharing a desire that God was placing on my heart to see biblical community in my area.

The attempt was to check out the local churches in my area and see what, if anything was happening as far as community is concerned within the churches. It would be easy to take a look at me and think I am a ‘fault finder’ with churches and trust me, sometimes I ask myself that. I think a lot of it comes from seeing how churches are done in comparison to what I read about in seminary. Often, what my textbooks and professors told me “not to do” was exactly the things that were happening.

The issue I was and continue to face is this reality that I am a complete introvert and as such, I tend to avoid crowds. That led me to staying away from church for a while. With the winter months here and the fact I was no longer attending the Journey Church, I found myself wishing I was back there. So every Saturday evening I had a pep talk with myself, convincing myself of the need to go to church. Sunday morning came around and bam! I always found a reason NOT TO GO.

A few weeks back, I checked out out Life Fellowship Church, A Foursquare denominational church, located only about fifteen minutes away from where I reside. I thought it was “ok.” Just not exactly what I was looking for. I skipped church the next week and then last Sunday (03/02/14) I returned to Life Fellowship.

Just so every one of us is on the same page; allow me to share my thoughts with you leading up to that church service. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my life. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about direction. That’s not anything new to me either. In the journey of life, we are all heading somewhere and I am one of those kinds of people who really like knowing where I am going.

While I admit that my life isn’t where I expect it to be, I like to exercise some control. First and foremost, I want to know what I should be doing and not sitting around doing nothing. I want to be in a church and serve the church. I want to shepherd people and love them.

When I think about my life though, I tend to think about the negatives alongside the positives. Yes, I’ve served in the church for a number of years. Yes, I have a degree and yes I actually have a job that I don’t hate for the first time in many years.

Then I think about the struggles I face. I think about the fact that yes, I face opposition from within the body of Christ. I think, probably too much about the other believers out there who have taken their stand against me. That is the by-product of living in a fallen world. I have sinned and continue to and the principles of those sins affect others. Sometimes, it affects others in way of judgment and slander against you; sometimes it affects others through hurt and mistrust.

It’s not easy to face opposition, regardless of whether or not the opposition comes from the enemy or those who claim to believe and follow Christ but accuse and condemn you. They pay no attention to Scriptures that call for unity, and to not slander or say anything that does not bring encouragement.

The sad reality is that we are fallen and live with the cancer of sin, which is slowly eroding our lives away. The sin does nothing good and while the grace of God covers our sins, its effects live on.

So, here I am, sitting all alone in church, when the pastor calls everyone up to take communion. I go to the front, get a piece of bread and juice and return to my seat. Silently I sit while the remainder of the church gathers their communion, and I simply begin to pray. It felt good to be in the presence of the Almighty again.

As I was praying, I felt the Lord say to me, “I am drawing you closer.” I was blown away because I knew it was the voice of God. I knew his voice and I knew he was speaking to me. Those words meant more to me than anything because I feel such distance most of the time. I feel like I let God down with my lack of prayer and devotional life style. I feel like I’ve allowed other things to become idols in my life and God has to play second.

I continued to sit there in silence when I heard him speak again, “Let it go.” The dreaded words I needed to hear from a loving Father. I need to let it go-everything-the hurt that I have caused and the hurt that has come my way. I have to let go of my plans and my hope to be a pastor of a church. I have to let go of my desire to plan out sermon series. I have to let go of my plans for community groups and allow God to be God in my life. I need to let go of my frustrations with everything that is wrong with my life and realize that God is on the throne and God is in control.

I need to let go of my false sense of insecurity and know that Jesus is holding me through the storms of life I am facing. I need to let go of the hope I place in financial status and know that God holds tomorrow.

So if I could change one thing about myself it would be everything.

The other day, I was sitting down at a men’s breakfast, held by Abundant Life Church in Lebanon, NH.  While I am sitting there, a fellow believer, Steven, is giving his testimony. During his testimony, he begins to talk about the hurt that has been caused him by various churches. I realized again, I was here by divine appointment. God wanted me there, to hear this man, who continues to struggle with sin and life but is pressing onwards to the goal set before him.

Isn’t that what we are called to do? We are called to let go and let God take over our lives, completely. We are called to surrender everything, not just what we desire. As we journey with Christ and in Christ, we still face the effects of sin. As we continue to struggle with sin though, we often find ourselves picking up old habits or even new bad habits along the way. We pick up insecurities and addictions. God calls us, through the power of His Spirit, to break away from those things.

Paul understood this when he penned these words, “And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.” (Rom. 7:18) Paul knew his sinful nature was the cause for everything he lacked. His pain, his problems, his hurts and everything he lost was a direct result of the sinful nature that worked in him and against him. Satan’s goal is always to take away from us what God gives to us.

I can NEVER say I am not blessed by God. God has already given me (along with every other believer) EVERY spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3). If I am not being blessed, it is only because the enemy is coming against me attempting to take something away that doesn’t belong to him.

I can NEVER say I am in need because God gives me everything I need. (Phil 4:19) If I find myself in need, it is only because the thief has come to take something away from me. God, in his love, has already given provided the need, on the basis of His grace.

My one hope, my one desire, is to be more like Jesus, with every passing day of my life. I feel so distant, like a stranger. I feel like a prodigal son, who desires to return home but I have to create an argument, based on logic, to find a way to return back.

It’s crazy when we feel so distant that we find our Father dismissing our excuses, and welcoming us with open arms. It’s crazy to think that we think we have to lower our standards and try to find our place in the kingdom as servants when our Father always returns us to our rightful places as sons and daughters.

I want everything in me and everything about me, to reflect Jesus living through me. I want to be a child again, imitating the Father who loves me and pours out his grace towards me (Eph. 5:1) I want to be more forgiving, more understanding, more open, more gracious, more loving and to be more encouraging. I want less of me and more of Christ.

Scripture References:

Rom. 7:18 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+7%3A18&version=NLT)

Eph. 1:3 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ephesians+1%3A3&version=NLT)

Phil. 4:19 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+4:19&version=NLT)

Eph. 5:1 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+5:1&version=NLT)

Additional Resources:

Abundant Life Church of God. (http://www.abundantlifenh.org/)

Life Fellowship Church


Jesus changed my life (connie’s story)

This is a guest post from Connie and how Jesus changed her life…

I was raised Catholic, so I believed in God, but I had no CLUE that I could talk with Him. I thought He was always angry with me, and at best simply tolerated me at times, and was so angry with me the rest of the time. Through a series of events I got involved with the occult, had nightmares for nearly 40 years, and lived in tremendous fear. For a time I was in such fear I would go to bed at night with a loaded pistol under my pillow and cradling a loaded rifle in my arms. I had been molested, raped, homeless, and had lost a child in a car accident. I was a broken, beaten woman with very little hope.

I still remember the day November 22, 1982. I was living in Phoenix, Arizona with our three children, while my husband was working in Florida. It was during that time, I was going through the worst times in my life.  I had just gotten ANOTHER phone call with a bad report and I did not know what to do.

Allow me to provide some background information first. The previous year, while living in Elk Grove, CA, a couple that were friends of ours had a little girl the same age as my little girls, and sometimes the Mama and I would do things together with our children. And so I KNEW they were GOOD people, that they were CHRISTIAN, and that they read their Bible. One day she mentioned something about tithing, and quoted the Word on it. That’s all it was….very simple, and short. But it STRUCK me, somehow.

So now fast-forward a year later and I’m in Phoenix, and had just gotten that bad phone call. I was crying so hard…..you know how you cry SO hard that you can hardly even BREATHE and you’re just a hot MESS? That was me. And then there was a knock at my front door! That was at 10:00am in the morning.

I quickly wiped away some of my tears as best I could and answered the door. There was a beautiful Mexican woman at my door, Bernadette Florez Gonzales, and she had a HUGE DISPLAY BIBLE under her arm (which instantly alerted me that she was a Christian, that she was good, and that I could TRUST her, because I INSTANTLY remembered my friends from Elk Grove and the “word” about tithing a year ago! Even though that scripture had nothing to do with salvation, it was STILL the Word of God, which does NOT return void, but ACCOMPLISHED what it was sent forth to do! That’s why I quote Scripture so much….it’s POWERFUL!). And Bernadette says to me, “Hi. My name is Bernadette Gonzales, and I live just across the street there (and she pointed to her home) and I was praying and reading my Bible, and the Holy Spirit told me to come on over to your house, that something was wrong. Is everything all right?”

I wailed, “Nooooo, ….c’mon in” and was crying. Now I REMEMBERED the scripture quote from my friends from Elk Grove a year previous, and now INSTANTLY TRUSTED and BELIEVED Bernadette. And 10 minutes later. 10:10 in the morning, November 22, 1982, I was on my knees, in my living room, receiving Jesus Christ as my Savior and as the Lord of my life!!!! That was the beginning of my beautiful, miraculous and loving journey with my Jesus! I have since been a missionary to the Philippines for 8 years, a missionary in Mexico for 4 months, chaplain, minister, and a handmaiden of the Most High God! The Lord has used me to lead in excess of 60,000 to the Lord, He has used me as one who believes in healing and He has healed hundreds as I prayed for them, He has used me to deliver folks from demonic strongholds, and He has used me in worship! What a God!!!!!

Thank You Lord, for my salvation, for Your tremendous love and faithfulness. I again surrender myself to You, consecrate myself to You, and completely give myself to You. I love you, my sweet Jesus, with all that I am! Thank You for loving me, for Your faithfulness, and for ALL that You have done for me and are doing for me and will do for me! I love You!